VDU kultūros dienos 2020: Muzikos produkcijos studentų ir dėstytojų koncertas #namuose
Premjera! VDU kultūros dienų 2020 koncerte skambės VDU Muzikos produkcijos trečio kurso studentų nauji kūriniai, sukurti karantino sąlygomis. Kūrinių temos labai įvairios, kaip, tikriausiai, ir mūsų išgyvenimai šiuo neįprastu laikotarpiu. Ką atrandame, o ką prarandame izoliacijoje? Kviečiame muzikos pagalba pabūti kartu.
Koncerte taip pat skambės dviejų programos dėstytojų Yiorgis Sakellariou ir Tito Petrikio kūriniai.
Kviečiame pasiklausyti!
Lukas Bundonis, The Life Of An Individual
Probably we all had a relationship where in the beginning everything was so amazing that you couldn’t believe that you finally found your soulmate. And after awhile your second half starts to change in completely opposite way and it’s not so amazing anymore as you thought in the beginning. This musical piece „The life of an individual” tells a story of a person’s life from the start of embryo evolution in mother’s womb to the death, who got involved in before mentioned relationship. This imaginary individual is really elegant and peaceful. Until he finds out that his second half is not so amzaing at all. And after he brakes up with his wife, for the first time he gets drunk and alcohol abuse leads him to unexpected.
Link: https://soundcloud.com/mr-spaceman/the-life-of-an-individual
Tadas Pukinskas, Chronicles Of Isolation
Chronicles of isolation is straight up a musical journal, describing my last few months during the quarantine. All ups and downs have been captured in this composition. Limiting myself and staying away from well-known techniques was always a key element in production of this composition. Majority of sounds are made with an analogue synthesizer and the sounds are as raw as they could get. Loneliness. Frustration. Hope.
Link: https://soundcloud.com/official-enhiezma/isolation-chronicles
Patrikas Bartkus, Lust, Envy & Wrath
A three part piece featuring three of the seven deadly sins in form of an orchestral composition.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk2GSDOZxeA&feature=youtu.be
Eimantas Čiurinskas, Revenge Of The Assassins
As a big fan of John Carpenter movies, the composition is my longest love and fear. The heavily influenced 80s movie track – varies from many arpeggios, breathing structure, distorted guitars scaring the heck out of me.
I think the composition speaks for itself.
Let the journey begin and oh, don’t look back.
Link: https://soundcloud.com/eimantasc/revenge-of-the-assassins/s-BFXMi7JeQEi
Laurynas Jackonis, The Last Journey
A dying man is laying in his bed, thinking about the decisions he made throughout his life, the things that he could have done differently. His Last Journey begins. He travels through the uncertainty and self-doubt of where will he end up in his afterlife… Will he be fortunate enough to go to heaven? Or will he spend the rest of the eternity in the cold depths of hell
Link: https://soundcloud.com/laurynas-jackonis/the-last-journey
Algimantas Neimantas, Just Wait
Link: https://soundcloud.com/anzeee/an-just-wait/s-5NicxFFh7F3
Goda Grigaliūnaitė, Karantinas
Netikėtai užklupęs karantinas įnešė daugybę baimės ir nežinomybės į visų žmonių gyvenimus. Vieni į tai reaguoja kaip į atitrūkimą nuo darbo ir nuolatinio streso. Kiti tai priima itin jautriai ir stipriai, dėl to išgyvena. Menininkai būdami ypač jautrios sielos žmonės visus jausmus išgyvena daug stipriau. Ne išimtis ir aš. Į šį darbą sudėjau visas savo kūrybines dienas, visus išgyvenimus, mintis ir emocijas. Tikiu, kad būdami vieningi ir protingi ištversim šį nelengvą laikotarpį.
Link: https://soundcloud.com/goda-grigali-nait/composition-final-by-goda-grigaliunaite/s-eP5uoYeJhgN
Simonas Pupeikis, Days
My interpretation of moods during the daytime. You will hear 4 different moods, my biggest goal was to let the listener imagine how different he would feel his emotions if he would think in notes or sounds. How mixed and dynamic our emotions are. Also, breaks are important that’s where you can flashback to reality and „feel the clock”
Link: https://soundcloud.com/sp-bohne/simonas-pupeikis-dienos/s-uKZ8Q1xkeiI
Gabrielė Stankevičiūtė, This Too Will Pass
My name is gabrielé. I am a human, just like You. And just like you, I go through storms sometimes. Have you ever thought about how our lifelines are similar to what is happening in nature?
We all know that saying “calm before the storm”. When it’s peaceful, but awfully quiet. When it seems like everything is normal, but you can see the black clouds coming along with flashes and anxiety in your chest. And then it comes. It starts by wind and a few raindrops. Wind for some reason is very short-tempered this time, and raindrops start turning into some big aggressive splashes of ice-cold water. The thunder is rumbling so loud that you can feel the walls shaking, they’re scared, too. And as soon as it reaches the moment when it feels like you can’t take it anymore and the earth is going to explode… it magically goes away. Right after the loudest thunder, the strongest gust of wind and the wettest rain. You can hear solitary drops falling, but it’s obvious that tonight the drama is over.
Deadly silence for a couple of moments. It starts getting more and more…yellow? What is the colour of the sun right after it tries to fight its way back through the clouds? Maybe it’s golden. Now you take your nose outside and feel the after-rain smell. What a relief. And you thought this time you wouldn’t make it. Now think about all the lows and all the crises you had in your life. Apply. This too will pass.
Andrii Gumeniuk, Antiutopia EP
Link: https://soundcloud.com/midcirkley/andrii-gumeniuk-antiutopia
Almantas Sėliukas, Composition
Kompozicija skirta tam, kad nuramintų ir padėtų užmigti. Taigi, užmerkiam akis, užsidedam ausines ir saldžių sapnų. Malonaus klausymo!
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpFQb5ckMN4
Prof. Dr. Titas Petrikis, Beautiful!
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqwBjkFwshM&feature=youtu.be
Yiorgis Sakellariou, Shift: Outwards *
From the digital album Shift, released by No Type/Panospria (Canada) in 2016
‘Shift’ is based on recordings of (disused and functioning) factories and other former Soviet urban locations in Kaunas, Lithuania. The sounds were recorded in September 2015 during “Cotemporal Encounters: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Sound, Memory and Place”, an art residency programme curated by Sandra Kazlauskaitė and led by Jeremy Keenan. During the residency, the invited artists conceptually and physically explored a number of architectural sites in Kaunas, chosen for their historical, political and social significance. The aim of Shift is to reverse the stigma of these sites, often recognized as places of monotony and routine, and create a new and transformed identity for them, explored with mystery and wonder. Original collaboration in Kaunas with Hrvoslava Brkušić resulted in a sonic performance and an installation piece titled “Unfitted Dust”. ‘Shift’ took its current form in London during November 2015.
Full album available at: http://www.notype.com/drones/cat.e/pan_096/
Link: https://archive.org/details/pan096/pan096-yiorgis_sakellariou-2-outwards.mp3
*Please listen through headphones or high-quality loudspeakers